Gulf of Maine Conservas Bluefin Tuna


We llove ourselves some good tinned fish, and Gulf of Maine Conservas has raised the bar with their line-caught Bluefin Tuna that’s caught right off the coast of New Hampshire in the Gulf of Maine by fisherman Keper Connell before preserving the fish with traditional Mediterranean techniques.

The result is exquisite, tender tuna that is delightful on its own, but great company with crackers and fresh bread.

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Meet Gulf of Maine Conservas

Rye, New Hampshire

Keper Connell is the man who catches every single one of the bluefin tuna that make their way into the Gulf of Maine Conservas tins, using the traditional hook and line method so as to not disturb the delicate ecosystem in the Gulf of Maine off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Every tin is unique, and delicately preserved with extra virgin olive oil.

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